Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Austin Fagothey: Right and Reason

Recommended reading: Right and Reason: Ethics in Theory and Practice Based on the teachings of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas.

Right and Reason by Fr. Austin Fagothey, S.J. is probably the greatest and most successful Ethics book written to date. Widely used in Catholic colleges, it was undoubtedly the clearest and easiest-to-read Ethics text ever published. The author says that no book can take the place of a professor in the classroom, but this one virtually does—and Fr. Fagothey says he wrote it that way. Though this Second Edition was issued in 1959, it remains remarkably contemporary and is a book that can be read basically by any adult—either in toto or as a handy reference to look up topics in question. Phrased in non-technical language, Right and Reason is a thoroughly competent book in the philosophy of Ethics, which gives the science of morality from the Aristotelian-Thomistic, common-sense school of thought—which is none other than the Perennial Philosophy of the Ages, the philosophy outside of which one’s positions quickly become absurd and all reasoning ends up in dead-ends.” ~TAN Books review

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