Saturday, August 2, 2014

"Judgment at the end of time"

"PERFECT judgment cannot be passed upon any man before the close of his life, since he can be changed in many respects from good to evil, or conversely, or from good to better, or from evil to worse. Hence the Apostle says (Heb 9:27): "It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the Judgment."....

"Consequently, it must be maintained that after death man enters into an unchangeable state as to all that concerns the soul: and therefore there is no need for postponing judgment as to the reward of the soul. But since there are some other things pertaining to a man which go on through the whole course of time, and which are not foreign to the Divine judgment, all these things must be brought to judgment at the end of time."

~St. Thomas Aquinas: S.T., III, Q. 59. A. 5.

The Last Judgment, by Peter Cornelius.
Fresco, 1836-39; Ludwigskirche, Munich.

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